Welcome to West Surrey Wine Society
Our wine club meetings/wine tasting take place at the former Conservative Club, now called the Ivy Lane Club. Our meetings are held on Thursdays as advised in the Diary section. Meetings start at 7pm with "Welcome Wines" giving people a chance to chat with the presentation and tastings at 7.30 p.m.
The next meeting is on Thursday 16th January and will feature a return visit from Preet Sahota of Edmund Wines. Further detail is in the January diary.
The West Surrey Wine Society, or WSWS, is a wine appreciation society which was founded in 1988 by a small group of enthusiasts. It meets every month to hear a speaker sharing his/her interests and knowledge about a particular country or area - and we sample the wines. The speakers are experts in their area or country etc. and quite often we will have Masters of Wine (MW) visiting us. Invariably they are entertaining, informative and amusing - and each month we try 8 or 9 wines and try to have at least one wine worth over £20 to taste.
Many, if not most, of our current 60 or so members joined with little or no knowledge of wines - just a liking for the product! If you feel a bit daunted, don't worry, it is amazing how quickly people start to recognise their Sauvignon from their Semillon and their Merlot from their Malbec.
Future Meetings
Try us, you've nothing to lose but your inhibitions!
Click on "Future Meetings" to see what is on offer shortly.
Also click Interesting articles to see the latest wine news including local events.
A list of previous meetings can be seen by clicking on Welcome above and then clicking Previous Meetings and Speakers.